Friday, July 19, 2013

oh hello there

Happy Friday!!!
WE MADE IT THROUGH MARKET! Guys, that totally deserves an all-caps shout out. The best went well! If you follow me on Instagram I am sure you saw the pictures of some of our speakers- Ted Allen, Emily Henderson, Lara Casey and so many more. {+ posted below}

As we begin planning for our upcoming September Gourmet Market, the girls and I found ourselves in gourmet dreamworld...drooling over all of the amazing Atlanta talent, their decadent dishes and fabulous restaurants. Above is our little list of must-try places.
Many of them Josh and I have fallen in love with already and many are places on our 2013 bucket list to try! 

Bon Appetit! 

+ Market Pics:

blogging is fun, I should do that more often... :)