your weekly {-ish} installment of what I did last weekend in instagrammed pictures.
because life looks cooler in instagram.
Saturday morning wedding craft time with hot coffee
A little calligraphy session thrown in. This is becoming my new obsession.
In the truck and off to Chickaumaga! Enjoying my view from the passenger seat :)
Baby Jarrod's Sports themed baby shower!
The beautiful mom-to-be, Josh's cousin Tya!
baby gift to the man {and mom!} of the hour
After dinner with Tya & Dave {so fun!!!} we hopped back in the truck and got our little butts back to the big city!
But only to pass to Lake Jackson!
Josh got tired of driving and passed the wheel off to Mr Mason
Gorgeous Sunday morning on the lake
a beautiful boat ride
pure bliss
an afternoon on the dock and in the sun
my summer boyfriend ;)
Cheers to Baby Tiller's 'first' beer on his 21st!
beer should be decorated with chevrons tags at all times
A wonderful weekend made for a very tired Monday. It's back to the lake this Friday for the long weekend- I am SO EXCITED!
take me back
:) amc